Oldest Dam (The Grand Anicut)

When talk about our history first thing come in our mind related to kings, their cruelness, their taxation etc. when we talk about Kallanai Dam situated near the Tirucharapalli district on Kaveri river in Tamilnadu it shows the sympathy, care. Its age is more then 2000 years Kallanai Dam, also known as the Grand Anicut, is one of the oldest water-regulator structures in the world which is still in use. Now the point is that is time when people natural thing are super power and they treat them as god. People are helpless in front of them. For instinct rain, river, tree are worship. At that time making Dam, manipulate the water of river is the drastic change in the concept of mind setup. The Dam is build by Cholas dynasty, between the 100BC – 100AD in Thanjavur District, India. The purpose of the structure was to divert the flow from the Kaveri river across the fertile delta region in order to irrigate lands through the canals In the northern delta branch. At that time think about the irrigation to facilitate the farmer shows us how king take interest in problem of farmer.

Grand Anicut Design | Kallanai Dam History

Its feels pleasure to me to told that Kallanai Dam is fourth oldest dam in the world that work properly in current. So it difficult or even impossible to think about the technology is to construct the Dam. In dam big stone are used to divert river water. Dam is build by interlocking of stone without cementing it.

In present road are damaged in just six mouth. So feel proud to be a part of that.

Published by vaishali's desk

Hii I'm Vaishali Rajput, I'm a student of journalism. I’ve always been eager to know the smallest and unique things about India. I want to explore the world, it’s not only about traveling. It’s about each and every aspect of place whether it is related to cultural heritage, diversity, religion, ideology, philosophy or sculptures. I’m here to sharing some interesting facts or my experience about india.

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