Cryogenic Engine

NASA has been first who flown the Cryogenic upper stage rocket engine in 1963. In 1958 NASA has been stared the project of Cryogenic engines. It started as a Department of Defense project for putting heavy payloads into orbit. In old technology ex pander cycle goes one step futher in fuel efficiency by remove toburn fuel to turn turbine. but in Cryogenic engine liquid hydrogen lead to generate hydrogen gas.

India’s position

Indian Scientist Nambi Narayanan now a day catch the eye balls of every Indian. This is happened because of Nambi Narayanan get the compensation. The time is 30 November 1994 when 53 year old scientist led Indian space agency’s cryogenic rocket engine project and also was responsible for getting technology from Russia.

Fought this case for my family: ISRO's Nambi Narayanan - The Economic Times

Narayanan introduced the cryogenic engine in early 70’s. It is the time when india is the path of solid motor. In 1992 india signed agreement with Russia for transfer of technology to develop cryogenic fuel based engine. But US president H W Bush denied for this. As time was passed a spy scandal case taken place. two policeman was knock the door of Nambi Narayanan and they make the allegation of spy. They said that Narayanan had sell the document of cryogenic engine. When CBI take the case it is proven that no paper related to cryogenic engine was missed.

On 28 April 2015 first cryogenic engine developed. It means a long time India go back. It is around 15 year ago get the cryogenic engine.

Published by vaishali's desk

Hii I'm Vaishali Rajput, I'm a student of journalism. I’ve always been eager to know the smallest and unique things about India. I want to explore the world, it’s not only about traveling. It’s about each and every aspect of place whether it is related to cultural heritage, diversity, religion, ideology, philosophy or sculptures. I’m here to sharing some interesting facts or my experience about india.

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